


Welcome to the garden!

Sarita/Sarah/4bidden Fruit is a LA based artist, currently working out of Koreatown. She enjoys experimenting with all mediums but gravitates towards tattooing, oil paint, and graphite. She’s come here to create, in whatever form that may come.

Sarita’s work is her dialogue with self in visual form, all that is within materialized into tangible matter. She believes it truly is a sacred process to usher in ineffable ideas into the physical realm. Through this Sarita has been able to reflect, balance, deprogram and just enjoy the art that is life! Creating from - and + this is her form of alchemy. Sarita aims to inspire others to embark on their own self-discovery journey inward. Each piece carries an energetic imprint of the time and phase she was in while making it. She hopes her creations speak volumes of what she doesn’t always have the words to say.

Thank you for looking at her insides!